Sefirat HaOmer - Counting the Omer

Sefirat HaOmer

Counting of the Omer

In Judaism, the Counting of the Omer (Sefirat HaOmer in Hebrew, סְפִירַת הָעוֹמֶר, sometimes abbreviated as Sefira) is a ritual observance. It entails the daily recitation of a Hebrew blessing that counts the days between the second night of Pesach (Passover) and the holiday of Shavuot. This 49-day period is also referred to as the Omer period or simply the Omer.  This period of personal reflection allows us to prepare ourselves to receive the Torah.  It offers a meaningful 7-week journey of self-reflection and growth.

How to count the omer

  • Commencement: The Counting of the Omer commences on the second evening following Passover and continues nightly until the eve of Shavuot, encompassing a total of 49 days.
  • Daily Observance: Each evening, a specific Hebrew blessing is recited to signify the intention to fulfill the mitzvah (commandment). You will find an easy to use blessing and pronunciation guide below.
  • Counting Methodology: A designated formula is used to announce the elapsed time. This involves stating the number of completed weeks followed by the remaining number of days. For instance, on the sixteenth day, the announcement would be "Today is sixteen days, which is two weeks and two days of the Omer."


**It is proper to count the Omer at the beginning of the night, usually after the Maariv Service, and the Omer should be counted while standing (if possible).**


,ברוך אתה אדני אלהינו מלך העולם

.אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו על ספירת העומר


Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam,

asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu al sefirat ha'omer.

We provide the English translation below for your understanding of the blessing's meaning. However, reciting the blessing in Hebrew is the traditional practice.  This connects you directly to the rich historical context of the Counting of the Omer.  Ultimately, the decision of whether to recite the blessing in Hebrew or English is a personal one. The most important aspect is participating in the Counting of the Omer with meaningful intention.


Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe,

who has sanctified us with Your commandments and commanded us to count the Omer.



Once you know what day of the Omer it is, find that number in the source below and read that line (not including the Hebrew date!). That's all there is to it!

(From Siddur Ashkenaz, Weekday, Maariv, Sefirat HaOmer:)

1. Hayom yom echad la-omer.

Today is one day of the Omer.

2. Hayom sh’nei yamim la-omer.

Today is two days of the Omer.

3. Hayom sh’loshah yamim la-omer.

Today is three days of the Omer.

4. Hayom arbaah yamim la-omer.

Today is four days of the Omer.

5. Hayom chamishah yamim la-omer.

Today is five days of the omer.

6. Hayom shishah yamim la-omer.

Today is six days of the Omer.

7. Hayom shivah yamim shehem shavua echad la-omer.

Today is seven days which is one week of the Omer.

8. Hayom sh’monah yamim shehem shavua echad v’yom echad la-omer.

Today is eight days, which is one week and one day of the Omer.

9. Hayom tishah yamim shehem shavua echad ushnei yamim la-omer.

Today is nine days, which is one week and two days of the Omer.

10. Hayom asarah yamim shehem shavua echad ushloshah yamim la-omer.

Today is ten days, which is one week and three days of the Omer.

11. Hayom achad asar yom shehem shavua echad v’arbaah yamim la-omer.

Today is eleven days, which is one week and four days of the Omer.

12. Hayom sh’neim asar yom shehem shavua echad vachamishah yamim la-omer.

Today is twelve days, which is one week and five days of the Omer.

13. Hayom sh’loshah asar yom shehem shavua echad v’shishah yamim la-omer.

Today is thirteen days, which is one week and six days of the Omer.

14. Hayom arbaah asar yom shehem sh’nei shavuot la-omer.

Today is fourteen days, which is two weeks of the Omer.

15. Hayom chamishah asar yom shehem sh’nei shavuot v’yom echad la-omer.

Today is fifteen days, which is two weeks and one day of the Omer.

16. Hayom shishah asar yom shehem sh’nei shavuot ushnei yamim la-omer.

Today is sixteen days, which is two weeks and two days of the Omer.

17. Hayom shivah asar yom shehem sh’nei shavuot ushloshah yamim la-omer.

Today is seventeen days, which is two weeks and three days of the Omer.

18. Hayom sh’monah asar yom shehem sh’nei shavuot v’arbaah yamim la-omer.

Today is eighteen days, which is two weeks and four days of the Omer.

19. Hayom tishah asar yom shehem sh’nei shavuot vachamishah yamim la-omer.

Today is nineteen days, which is two weeks and five days of the Omer.

20. Hayom esrim yom shehem sh’nei shavuot v’shishah yamim la-omer.

Today is twenty days, which is two weeks and six days of the Omer.

21. Hayom echad v’esrim yom shehem sh’loshah shavuot la-omer.

Today is twenty-one days, which is three weeks of the Omer.

22. Hayom sh’nayim v’esrim yom shehem sh’loshah shavuot v’yom echad la-omer.

Today is twenty-two days, which is three weeks and one day to the Omer.

23. Hayom sh’loshah v’esrim yom shehem sh’loshah shavuot ushnei yamim la-omer.

Today is twenty-three days, which is three weeks and two days of the Omer.

24. Hayom arbaah v’esrim yom shehem sh’loshah shavuot ushloshah yamim la-omer.

Today is twenty-four days, which is three weeks and three days of the Omer.

25. Hayom chamishah v’esrim yom shehem sh’loshah shavuot v’arbaah yamim la-omer.

Today is twenty-five days, which is three weeks and four days of the Omer.

26. Hayom shishah v’esrim yom shehem sh’loshah shavuot vachamishah yamim la-omer.

Today is twenty-six days, which is three weeks and five days of the Omer.

27. Hayom shivah v’esrim yom shehem sh’loshah shavuot v’shishah yamim la-omer.

Today is twenty-seven days, which is three weeks and six days of the Omer.

28. Hayom sh’monah v’esrim yom shehem arbaah shavuot la-omer.

Today is twenty-eight days, which is four weeks of the Omer.

29. Hayom tishah v’esrim yom shehem arbaah shavuot v’yom echad la-omer.

Today is twenty-nine days, which is four weeks and one day of the Omer.

30. Hayom sh’loshim yom shehem arbaah shavuot ushnei yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty days, which is four weeks and two days of the Omer.

31. Hayom echad ushloshim yom shehem arbaah shavuot ushloshah yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty-one days, which is four weeks and three days of the Omer.

32. Hayom sh’nayim ushloshim yom shehem arbaah shavuot v’arbaah yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty-two days, which is four weeks and four days of the Omer.

33. Hayom sh’loshah ushloshim yom shehem arbaah shavuot vachamishah yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty-three days, which is four weeks and five days of the Omer.

34. Hayom arbaah ushloshim yom shehem arbaah shavuot v’shishah yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty-four days, which is four weeks and six days of the Omer.

35. Hayom chamishah ushloshim yom shehem chamishah shavuot la-omer.

Today is thirty-five days, which is five weeks of the Omer.

36. Hayom shishah ushloshim yom shehem chamishah shavuot v’yom echad la-omer.

Today is thirty-six days, which is five weeks and one day of the Omer.

37. Hayom shivah ushloshim yom shehem chamishah shavuot ushnei yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty-seven days, which is five weeks and two days of the Omer.

38. Hayom sh’monah ushloshim yom shehem chamishah shavuot ushloshah yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty-eight days, which is five weeks and three days of the Omer.

39. Hayom tishah ushloshim yom shehem chamishah shavuot v’arbaah yamim la-omer.

Today is thirty-nine days, which is five weeks and four days of the Omer.

40. Hayom arbaim yom shehem chamishah shavuot vachamishah yamim la-omer.

Today is forty days, which is five weeks and five days of the Omer.

41. Hayom echad v’arbaim yom shehem chamishah shavuot v’shishah yamim la-omer.

Today is forty-one days, which is five weeks and six days of the Omer.

42. Hayom sh’nayim v’arbaim yom shehem shishah shavuot la-omer.

Today is forty-two days, which is six weeks of the Omer.

43. Hayom sh’loshah v’arbaim yom shehem shishah shavuot v’yom echad la-omer.

Today is forty-three days, which is six weeks and one day of the Omer.

44. Hayom arbaah v’arbaim yom shehem shishah shavuot ushnei yamim la-omer.

Today is forty-four days, which is six weeks and two days of the Omer.

45. Hayom chamishah v’arbaim yom shehem shishah shavuot ushloshah yamim la-omer.

Today is forty-five days, which is six weeks and three days of the Omer.

46. Hayom shishah v’arbaim yom shehem shishah shavuot v’arbaah yamim la-omer.

Today is forty-six days, which is six weeks and four days of the Omer.

47. Hayom shivah v’arbaim yom shehem shishah shavuot vachamishah yamim la-omer.

Today is forty-seven days, which is six weeks and five days of the Omer.

48. Hayom sh’monah v’arbaim yom shehem shishah shavuot v’shishah yamim la-omer.

Today is forty-eight days, which is six weeks and six days of the Omer.

49. Hayom tishah v’arbaim yom shehem shivah shavuot la-omer

Today is forty-nine days, which is seven weeks of the Omer.

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